Friday, December 4, 2009

Why didn't the clock stop ticking - where have I been all this time!

Wow - May, REALLY - I mean are you serious! I decided that some journaling would be great for me and then I remembered, Oh yea I have a blog - - oopps, I had almost forgotten my address. Well May, June, July, August - my goodness all the way up to today - Dec. 4th have come and gone so quickly. I have a lot to get caught up with, but I thought I would just reintroduce myself and say HELLO again! What has life been like for my family - since I last wrote ... all the regulars - my boys have grown much, dear friends have come in and GONE OUT of our lives, the year of record hospital visits, lots of miles have been put on our car, we are still in Panama City and I am doing my best to go one day at a time. There are lots of spaces in that one sentence with many rememberable, not so rememberable details - but most importantly my family {and myself} have been blessed beyond measure.

As I write this and the basis for getting back to this modern day journaling is that my dearest friend, closest companion, amazing dad, and father of my children is heading to Afghanistan for 6 months. I am a very honest person and am not big on lieing about how I am feeling to others - so I honestly must say that emotions go from high to low. I have so many things to be thankful for because my career as a military wife and mom is in no comparison as difficult and hard as many others out there - but it is still my everyday life and I must say that I am making the choice daily to overcome any attack that Satan may have to steal my joy for life and my support for what my hubby is a part of - No, I do not agree with war. I am not a fan at all of war and have had many conversations with Michael about it early on when we were first starting his military journey. BUT I am a fan and have a heart for humanity, for others who for many different circumstances do not have joy, but live in fear - fear of not having food to eat, a shelter over their head, a father to teach them how to play sports or drive or hunt, a life of little chaos, fear of not knowing why they are even living much less why there would even be a God for all that they see on earth. So, thanks for being a part of my life - I hope to take you on a journey . . . not a sad, depressing one - but a real one of life and love and finding all the reasons that we are given to live each day! God bless you! Go dance in this freezing weather and breath in the smell of crisp freshness!

1 comment:

  1. Love you and miss you, dear friend. I know how difficult it is to have your precious husband away for any length of time. Know that I am praying for you - and always here to talk, even though I'm far away in miles, always close in thoughts.
