Monday, December 7, 2009

Santa needs a new list

Well looks like Santa needs to get his elves to working again. Funny story to share about Landon....Sunday Landon yells from upstairs "Mom, come here! I have to show you something." Me-I'll be there in a minute, let me finish what I am doing. A few minutes pass and Landon tries a different route, "Mom, come here Tyler is awake!" Me - I'll be there in a minute Landon I am almost done. He just can't take the excitement so he so happily yells, "Mom, Dad went shopping for me at Lowe's!" To which I quickly in a loud, obnoxious voice say "Landon get out of my closet". I had not even gone upstairs, but I knew what he was doing. He had found his Christmas gift of a kids size rake, shovel and hoe. When I told him that it was part of his Christmas and that he wasn't suppose to find it he responds, "But I REALLY like it mom!" He then promptly ask it he can go outside to which I respond - "You are welcome to go play outside, but don't think you are getting your rakes!" Well looks like his rubber boots will be standing solo with something else replacing his yard tools - Maybe a Tag Jr. Hmmmmmm????? Santa has a hard job when all you kid says he wants from Santa is "new toys". At least he isn't a brat about it :)

1 comment:

  1. That'll teach you to leave the things where he can find them, won't it! ;)
