Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Frustrations and Updations (ok so that isn't a word)

Well, today has been filled with doc appointments for my boys. It all worked out, but I must say that it is a little frustrating at times having to do the run around and now finally starting to get somewhere.

Landon's update - I will try to protect his privacy as much as possible, but I figure I would update people on here. He is having some little man issues in which we visited a local urologist today, not a pediatric one, but I was pleased with how he did work. The original problem that we were sent for the doc did not have any real reason to, besides saying that he did not have a hernia so Mike and I have done our research and we will keep a watch on it. But, the frustrating part was that he did mention that Landon was high in the testicle area, meaning he was only partially descended. This is not a major thing, but anything that requires surgery to fix is always slightly major - the big deal is that I have questioned the pediatricians about this issue since Landon was born. The timing is just not right seeing how we are planning to go to Birmingham to the pediatric urologist (or so it stands - I still have to go to the insurance office tomorrow). But, the doctor agreed that with some of Landon's history he needed to have a thorough examination by a ped. uro. So, that is all in the works. The nice thing is that Landon is really wanting his daddy at these doc appointments (he may only be 4 , but he is still a little man and feeling a little odd about all this). The first appointment we had with his pediatrician Michael was out of town for and he was planned to be out of town today but we wanted to take the first appointment we could. Isn't it funny how things work out and Mike's trip was canceled due to human error (not Mike's) and he was able to be there today which really was a big deal for his little guy. I will keep you posted on our trip to Birmingham - we have an ultrasound that the doc has ordered here in town so that we can take that with us to Birmingham to minimize the amount of trips there. But, it is going to be a nice excuse to visit my parents and grandma in TN and hopefully will be after Tyler is born.....

Zach's update - we have been dealing with Zach's ears and his original appointment set up for yesterday was delayed until today in order to have the audiologist available to do his little 30 sec test. Zach got tubes back in May of last year as well as his adenoids out and his tongue clipped. Well, the tubes have already come lose though they are just sitting in the canal. Over the last 2-3 weeks we have been using wax drops to try to loosen the tubes that were on the drum, nose drops for drainage as well as Singular. He had a double ear infection on top of that and even in his happy spirit will sometimes grab his ear and say "ouww". So, last visit the doc said I can't tell if he has an infection because there is so much wax, etc. So, after going to the pediatrician after using the wax drops for a while and he said there was definitely an infection we changed our appointment day. I went in already frustrated from Landon's ordeal that has taken 4 years to be tended to and God was on my side. I told Mike, "I am going to have to tell the doc that we have to deal with this now." But, the Lord gave me a friend to watch Landon - helping the nerves :). Then, Zach slept through the whole deal besides a few "I'm not happy you are dealing with my ears while I am sleeping" moves and such. The doc changed him from Singular to a different medicine, stopped the ear wax drops because those apparently worked great, and said there was no infection or redness, but he does have fluid on his ear drum. Her recommendation was to put in new ear tubes, but the best part was when she says, "When can get those done pretty soon. What are you doing this Friday?" Wow - that is soon. I told her the sooner the better because I wanted this taken care of and with baby here in less than 5 weeks.....So that is cool. I am waiting on the scheduler to actually call for the final say. The nice thing is that they will just do the gas to put him to sleep, no tube down the throat or IV or anything. We should be in and out in an hour or so.

So, that is our little guy update for today. I am glad that my boys are being taken care of just thinking this isn't the best time, then again I have friends who are spending their every day in the hospital with their little angels. As for Tyler - we will see next Monday what his progress is. I think he has dropped and he definitely still moves. :) Take care ~~~~


  1. Gosh! When it rains, it pours! I hope both of the boys issues get resolved soon and that everything is going well with Tyler (and Mom too)!

  2. Wow! I had no idea all of this was going on. Thank you for letting us know. We'll be praying for you guys. Hope the surgery gets scheduled for this Friday and goes well. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to call!!
