Saturday, January 24, 2009

Thinking of Doing Around Town

Ok - so here I go again - I had all this typed at 8 this morning, but (I am blaming my kids) I lost it so......

So, I look forward to going to MOPS (Moms of Pre-Schoolers) twice a month for various reasons, but one is the newsletter because it has some great happenings and such around town. So, I thought I would just get the info and if anyone wants to join me for anything then we could plan from there. Not necessarily doing them all - they just got my interest and thought I would share with others who may be interested.

Mystical Arts of Tibet - This week - Jan. 26-29 Visual Arts Center - Heard of this one on the news - Main Idea - These Monks take a four day process of creating a mandala out of sand. The sand is all different colors and they way they apply it it looks like liquid. This is like a spiritual cleansing process for them so after the full piece has been created and the crowd is in awe, they distroy it. Looks really interesting. I am considering the 4 day pass. You can get a one day pass for $6 or a 4 day pass for $20 to view it throughout the process.

Cirque Dreams Jungle Fantasy - Feb 1 Marina Civic Center - Straight from Broadway - it was actually showing when we were in New York in August, but we did not make it. I would love to go, but it is a little pricey - but figured I would just list it and see :) Tickets are $40-$50

President's Fun Day - Feb 7, 2-4, PC Renaissance School - Not sure about this (and it's the same day as the parade) but sounds interesting. Parade, games, crafts and prize for best president costume.

Mardi Gras Parades and Festivities - I must say that I enjoy a good Mardi Gras parade. I have never done this here, so I need to make sure all is safe for the family but here are the three I have found info on. Mike is only here for one, so if you are interested in any just let me know and we can go together, otherwise we will probably just go on the 7th.

Krewe of Massalina Feb 6-7 Parade is 7th at 3 down Harrison, activities will be taking
place in McKenzie park Fri 6pm-10 and Sat 11-10
Krewe of Dominique Youx Feb 14 PC Beach Parade starts at 3 heads from Front
Beach to Pier Park
Krewe of SAINT ANDREWS Feb 20 (4-10pm) Feb 21 (10-10) Parade is at 3 downtown
St Andrews

Bob the Builder!!! Apr 22 Calling all Bob the Builder fans - this is not until April, but we are planning to take Landon as a suprise - probably a daddy date night. If think your kiddo would like to sit with Landon we will be buying tickets this week. Prices range from $16-32 each Need to get tickets soon!

Weekly events I am always interested in making into a playdate...
Reptile Feeding at the Jr Museum - Thursdays at 3:30pm Admission is $5 a person unless you have a membership - The Museum is also always FREE on Mondays (unless it has changed)

Toddler Skate every Friday 10-12 Rock It Lanes PCBeach - this is really fun. $4 for the kids and that includes a hot dog or pizza lunch. This isn't actually skating. You can bring a toy, bike or whatever and there are lots of different items for the kids to play with and a bouncey castle. My boys loved it the first time. Since the older ones are in school the kids aren't run over.

Also there are story times at the library - I am still trying to figure it out because I have two seperate age groups, so they officially aren't suppose to be in each others class. Hummm

Well anyways - I figured I would just put a call out for some interaction if you are interested :) If you know of any other deals or free activities please pass them along :)

Have a good weekend. Michael got home a day early so we have the entire weekend which is nice. Glad this one will make it to posting - that was a lot of typing to lose!!!! I just hope I got it all.....

1 comment:

  1. My friend always has a big blowout and usually a pig roast for the Krewe of SAINT ANDREWS Parade. There is usually a kid parade for the kids and a pet parade. We usually take the kids to this one and then go to her house for food and drink and a good time all around. The last few years they have had a band. The kids run around for a while then it is time for the adults and the kids go home. You are welcome to join us for that. Also I didn't even know that they fed the reptiles at the Jr. Museum so we will try to make it for that. And next time you go skating I would love to take my kids. Let me know when you go. Thanks for this!
