Wow 2008 has already passed us by and we are into 2009! Just 9 years ago Michael and I had our first "Christmas picture" taken before we were ever dating. I was completely not even in the market for a date, yet who would know that we would start dating in January 2000 and 9 years later celebrating our Christmas as a family of four, soon to be five with 6 years of marriage behind and so many more to go. This year has been rough at times, completely enjoyable at others, suprising, enlightening, complicated yet full of blessings all the same. Finally I am getting around to our Christmas season highlights and I hope you will enjoy them with us. (Top - Christmas '99 at the Wesley Foundation at Mississippi State - there's a good story behind this picture, Right - This '08 Christmas)
Christmas this year was so fun to watch unfold in so many ways. Landon who is three (4 in Feb) finally got the idea of Christmas and was so excited about everything! Zach who is 1 (2 in March) still seemed clueless about everything, but surprised us on several different occasions with how in tune he was with everything. Last year Michael was away for Christmas so this year was our first year to really start some traditions of our own you could say. It all started with decorating as soon after Thanksgiving travel as possible. We tried to allow the boys a chance to help whenever possible. Their favorite part was setting up the Nativity outside with daddy. Landon had insisted that he wanted a new train for Christmas, but on this special morning as he was patiently waiting for dad to get dressed and ready, Landon already dressed with shoes on decided he needed a toolbelt and managed to fit all his "necessary" tools in the many pockets of his pants. So the need for a train, though still on the list, was overrided by the obvious need for a toolbelt. Thank you Nana and Grandpa Mihalik for taking care of this!!! Then there were cookies that had to be made. Michael has his famous, secret family recipe for Chocolate Chip Cookies of which I dare not to attempt. So it was fun seeing how excited all of them (more Mike than the boys :) were about making many cookies starting for Thanksgiving and going throughout the holidays. That is one thing that Michael can cook! Zach even got in on the fun and never wanted to be left out of any action taking place. The decorating of the tree was fun. Of course we had to provide a little direction, but the best part was when Michael showed Landon his baby ornament. Landon was so proud of his cute little ornament that he kept showing it off. At one point we looked and the last 4 ornaments that Landon had hung were all on the same branch right with his special ornament. Zach, on the other hand, thought it more fun to take ornaments off or play in a string of beads I made back when we had Kayla and Cheyenne living with us. This January Landon will be attending Good Shephard Lutheran School for one year (3 half days a week). The Spring show did not go over very well, but boy did he get into the Christmas play this year! His class were the donkeys and what cute, yet simple outfits they had. A white t-shirt with the face of a - Landon painted - donkey velcroed to the front. They even had a little tail hanging in the back all finished with a pair of black socks on their hands. He asked us for weeks when we would come and see him and we were so proud to watch him as he knew the words and motions so well and truly was excited to be on stage. I must say that as I videoed him I couldn't help but get a little watery thinking of how he is growing (and the complete 360 he did from that last performance which was just - wow!) As I mentioned I did video it and am proud of myself for not just letting it sit in the camcorder like all the rest. I used iVideo and made a great little DVD if I may say so myself with subtitles and all! We have watched that movie so many times. Landon ask daily to watch his donkey movie!
Also, the boys really enjoyed doing the advent wreath this year. My Wednesday Bible study made advent wreaths and we lit the candles every night we were at home. Of course the stories were kept short. Actually I have a board book that broke the story of Jesus down into 2-4 pages (10-15 sentences at most) and so most nights we just read a story from there. Some nights we sang a song, but we always let the boys help to light the appropriate candle. It was fun sometimes hearing Landon to correct us if we by chance said the candle names out of order (hope, joy, peace, love). Zach was so cute as they also were allowed to blow out the candle they had lit. Zach decided on his own that of course the best way to blow out his candles would be to crawl up on the table - better wind speed.
Christmas Eve Michael's parents drove in after we had attended our Eve Service. Michael always insist we put cookies, milk and carrots out for Santa and the reindeer. Throughout the season we actually sat and watched several Christmas movies as a family. Zach is our little movie goo-roo and Landon is getting better about sitting through them. Landon was extremely into Santa this year, which we always directed him to the true reason - the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ, but allowed him all the delight he so found in Santa. Michael had this "grand" idea to wake the boys up at some point in the night and "sneak down to see if Santa has come". I looked at him rather crazy and put my two cents in that I thought it a crazy idea to wake a 1 and 3 year old in the middle of the night, but he was more than welcome to do whatever he wanted. So, I slept.... while I did wake up early to get the day started, the fam made it downstairs around 7ish I guess. Michael had come down with the boys and successfully got them back to sleep without any problems it seems. The best part though was that our little Zach who is always taking everything in, though doesn't express any knowledge in many words knew EVERYTHING that was going on. He has been starting to sleep in his big boy bed which of course comes with more freedom. Well, apparently it was Zach who woke Michael up around 12:30 only after he had already taken himself downstairs in the dark to the den only lit by the lights of the Christmas tree, rearranged and played with his Little People from Santa before heading to our room to get Mike. Guess he needed to verify Santa had visited before waking the house :) It was also fun watching Michael get the boys all excited about tracking Santa all around the world. Funny how just as Mike went downstairs Santa had just been tracked right in our area - Good timing! Well Christmas day was filled with all the joy of the morning. I finally managed to get our meal on the table around 4pm and it wasn't half bad. The weather here was typical - in the 70's though today as I type it is rather "brisk" for the area. But, as for Christmas we were able to take a nice walk in the neighborhood with the grandparents and visit some of the holding ponds aka - alligator ponds to Landon. While no alligators were spotted (and never have been) we did find a rather nice box turtle enjoying his day. Michael's parents headed out mid-day Friday and we just relaxed enjoying the fact that Michael was home and all the rush of cleaning, cooking, enjoying and such had come to a stand still. It was a good Christmas, quiet to some degree yet very nice in the other. Both of our families were seperated this year to cover Texas, Mississippi, Louisana, South Carolina, Missouri, and even elsewhere - but the memories of past gatherings was there.
2009 is a year so yet unknown put still offerring so many memories and moments to cherish (maybe a few to forget :) We are looking forward to having Leigh, Michael's, sister come in just a few days for a week and Landon has already started planning his 4th birthday party for Feb. So, until Baby ????? is born we have something big planned for each month. I am looking forward to it. Enjoy the pics!!! I hope to get an actual card in the mail here soon, but until then keep looking at the blog or just get in touch with me - Take care, I love you and send my best to you this New Year!!!
(Oh, for New Year's we were a little boring, but still enjoyed having our friends Jake, Jill and daughter Rebakah over for dinner, snacks, a good game of Settlers of Catan and the ball dropping. We stayed up until after midnight! I am impressed are you? Since I just realized Michael never grew up with fireworks, we are definately doing fireworks next year!!! I mean, the little glow sticks worked well for the ball dropping and all, but really!!! (and yes we did have the little $1 from Target glow sticks!) Happy 2009!!!
Sounds like a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year!! :)
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed the glow sticks!! :)