Monday, August 9, 2010

WOW where I mean WHERE does time go!

I am being spontaneous - yes, I have been working on that over the past several years and starting to really like it :) So, as I read a dear friends blog it made me miss mine so I thought - hmmm, can I actually accomplish a quick update that doesn't consist of 1,000's of words. So, here I try ----- Where are the Mihalik's and What in the world has consumed them for the last well many months and days???? For those who many not know - Michael left in November and returned in July after a deployment in Afghanistan - a huge time of growth for both of us in many different ways. The last 3 1/2 years we have been in Panama City, FL --- our time is coming to an end here and we head further west again -- in all of it I look back and can thankfully say that these years and this journey have been a pruning season in my life - not that the pruning was enjoyable but the growth that is promised is exciting! I have been married 8 years - of which have flown at jet speeds, 3 children with 2 of our boys born here in Florida and at 5 years of being a mom I am finally finding joy in my children and not the day to day mundaness. In Ecc. it says there is a time for all things - When I think of our time in Florida I will remember that God has pruned me down to my roots and I am so excited that I am promised a blessing and have been blessed through all of ---oh to think of what the next season of my life and my family has in store. July and now August has been non-stop with a sweet visit from our Kayla who lived with us 5 years ago, Michael returning, parents visiting, packers packing and a great crew they were, cleaning and slaving over our rental house, taking things to our storage unit, packing up for a roadtrip, returning for a few nights at the beach and now at our last days til we head excitedly to our new home - yes, we have bought our first house and we couldn't be more excited - the most exciting is that as we look to the calendar we have guest in August, October, November and then seeing family in December and April without really planning. I do love family and so excited to be able to welcome them into our home and to areas of our country that none of them have visited. We have some great friends here in Panama City, most who have moved on themselves and others who are here for now. It is through all the people I meet that I have been pruned. So, here I have typed my many words - but hopefully I will be typing more and putting pics up. God Bless and check back soon - say the end of August!