What I Love About You!
• How your favorite color is orange and EVERYTHING is based around that! You use to like pink, but have since told me it is a girl color.
• How you eat off of a pink plate although your first preference is a breakable plate which you always want the same color as daddy.
• How you are so overprotective of your brothers (unless they are bothering you).
• How when you want to play alone you make an excuse for Zach - "Zach you go finish eating. or my favorite, "Mommy, Zach wants to watch a movie."
• How when you see something new you want you seem to understand you can't have it now and say "Maybe I could get that my next birthday. That good mom?"• How you eat off of a pink plate although your first preference is a breakable plate which you always want the same color as daddy.
• How you are so overprotective of your brothers (unless they are bothering you).
• How when you want to play alone you make an excuse for Zach - "Zach you go finish eating. or my favorite, "Mommy, Zach wants to watch a movie."
• How you truely fear and have a drama scene when you think your toys are going to go down the drain in the tub.
• How when I drop you off at school or somewhere else you ask me to pray with you.
• How you have already decided that you will have an orange house with (I think) 5 cars, a boat, and RV. You know all the colors you want and have given me permission to visit you and even park by your car.
• How you love alligators.
• How you always ask Why? and because of that we have explained so many things to you - to include water treatment plants, death, safety, medical, etc. - of course in 4 year old terms.
• How you clap your hand on your leg (like in calling a dog) when you are asking me to "come here"
But, my new favorite...
• How just two days ago you were brutally stepping on a toad to kill it so it could, in your very words, "Die and see Jesus".