Hello to all! This is my first attempt at blogging and I am very excited! Who would of known it was so simple and FREE! I have been wanting to do a blog, but decided that was one more project I shouldn't put money into and start (thinking I would have to pay to have a blog space) and only halfway work it. I am so excited!
I hope you will visit our family often and see what we are up to....
As for today ~ MERRY CHRISTMAS! Four Monkeys, many of you are wondering what I mean - as we have been out of the loop for a while now, Michael and I have two beautiful little boys and are expecting our third son in early April of 2009. We are excited though it honestly does seem a little surreal to me. We joke that I already have 3 boys to raise since "daddy" is so young at heart and plays so well with the boys. One of Landon's favorite songs is "No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed". So, I thought it would be fun to do a little Monkey themed blog. So, now you have the explanation to the title :)
I do hope this finds everyone well. If you are reading this - you have somehow touched the life of our family in some way and we are truly blessed to know you and be able to share what I hope will become a weekly, if not, daily look into our lives. Please come back often as I will hopefully update the look of the page as well as adding some photos here soon. Until then, here is a little update on our family...
January 2008 - after traveling around while Mike was deployed the boys and I moved our belongings out of a storage unit and into our first off base home. Since October 2006 we have been stationed in Panama City, FL, at Tyndall Air Force Base where Mike works at the AFCESA headquarters office.
Feb. 2008 - Our little Landon turned 3 and we celebrated with the return of Daddy to the States. Landon also started 3-half day's a week Preschool and has really enjoyed it.
Mar. 2008 - Zach turned 1 - wow how time flies! We were truly blessed not only to have dad home for both big days, but also to be able to have family and friends drive, fly and visit for one big party - wow, I always seem to go overboard. I am really trying to work on it, but what a true blessing to see the faces of so many come together just for us. I had to take a break from the party at one moment, because I became overwhelmed with true blessing and honor.
As for the rest of the year I will not fully outline it, but it has been a year. Looking back there has been a lot of complaining on my behalf for which I ask for forgiveness, because to see what we have and how we have been blessed is more than I could ask for. Michael has spent most of his time home traveling, but we have made the most of our time together. I was able to get away for a week and go to New York with my sis-n-law for a great time. Our boys are healthy, growing and so ACTIVE!!! And to top all of this - we have been blessed with the upcoming birth of another healthy boy.
May you be blessed and please come back to see us soon!!!!